Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Catching Up

Okay, this is just going to be boring. I looked for pics to fit, but could not find any. The camera has been on vacation. Actually there is just not much going on.

Brian and Mandi have been covered in their own blog. Mandi is back in school, which means grammy is back to tending. It comes with challenges, Sam tells me not to get him in trouble so that he can play with the toys and watch movies. What he is really telling me is that he wants to do what he wants and don't make him pick up the toys. He is three, and is good at it.

Eric and Amy are still running two households. One in Ogden and one in Cokeville. Eric is enjoying the work at the power plant. Amy and Tyson will be glad when they are together again. It appears that they have the chance to rent out their house for awhile. So that will help things out. Tyson is on the go constantly. He has things to do.

Derick and Jage are enjoying living in Spanish Fork. Both are enjoying their jobs. Still wanting to expand the family, but are trusting in the Lord that things will work out for them.

Justin, well, he is still working on packets at East Shore High. This next Sunday he will be entering a battle of the bands at a club in Salt Lake. He has devoted a lot of time to this experience and is excited. Jenna has been a good support for him and are seen together frequently.

As for Dave, after being off work for a week waiting for a drug test to come back, he is now clear to go back to work. For a day. Then he is on his long change for a week. Yes, the drug test came back clear as we all knew it would. He was not kidding when he told me last November that come the first of the year i would see very little of him, he is working on a stake encampment for the young men in the stake. Even when he was home unexpectedly for a week he has been very busy. He has more energy in his pinky toe, than i do in my whole body. I do not know how he does it.

Now for me. I am just trying to keep up with the other thirteen. Some days it just makes my head spin.


The Clem Family said...

I'm glad that Dad passed his drug test. He must have studied really hard for it.

Haylee said...

sounds like a busy time for you guys!it was nice to hear an update and i didnt find it boring! i hope justin does well!!

Jen said...

Thanks for the update. It's pretty pathetic that you only live a few minutes away and we never get together anymore....life is just too crazy.

Glad everyone is doing well. Good luck to justin and congrats to dave!