Monday, December 22, 2008

Hot chocolate and a good movie day

Even though it is a perfect to stay indoors and drink hot chocolate and watch movies that is not what i have done.
i had to go shopping, at walmart, bad idea. i had to park in no man's land. i only went in for a few things, so that i wouldn't have to try and push a cart through the snow to my car. then i remembered i should get this and don't forget that. right. i had to push the cart through the slush and the snow. they need four wheel drive on those things.
i love the new snow, i just don't want to do errands in it.
Mandi, just in case you didn't see the pictures on facebook, i posted them again for you on my blog. i am not sure, but do you think i am trying to make you homesick? is it working if i am? mom's can be so mean sometimes.