Friday, December 26, 2008

strange christmas

no picture blog this time. well......what can i came and christmas went. i can't say it has been the best christmas day i have ever had.

4:45 a.m. was our wake up time. usually it is a couple of hours later, but the last couple of years dave has needed to be to work. last year he didn't have to be there as soon, so this was the earliest i have woke up on christmas morning since i lived with my parents. it was strange. between dave, justin and myself it didn't take long before the gift were open and dave was off to work. (he still isn't home, and it is officially the day after christmas).

i went back to bed, justin did not. he watched a bit of t.v. and then he shoveled my walks for me. after that can anyone guess where he headed? yep, he went to be with jenna. about 9 i got up and got ready and went to dave's brother dean's house for a brunch. it had snowed so much that it took me awhile to get across town. i was there for an hour or a bit more and then i came home.

i was hoping for a break in the weather so i could get to dad and mom's house without the trouble i had getting to dean to jeri's house, but it didn't come. looking back i should have just threw caution to the wind and went over. i was home for 4 or 5 hours when justin and jenna came over. they were here for awhile. then about 9 p.m. dad and mom showed up for about 30 minutes and then decided they better get home. once they got home they said the weather was worse where i am at than it was down on state street and the rest of the way to their house. they came to play cards, but was worried that the weather was going to get worse. times like this i wish i lived as close to them as bart and jen do.

so, to rap it up in a nutshell. there was about an hour or so this morning that was completely wonderful. an hour or so late morning that was nice. the rest of the day was what it was. i'm not complaining, just wasn't use to spending christmas alone.

hope everyone had a great day, and have been safe from the horrible weather.


The Clem Family said...

Sorry that your Christmas was spent alone for the most part. My Christmas wasn't that great either. Next year will be better.

Unknown said...

I am sorry that you were alone during the day. I am trying to think of a house for sale in the area. If you want to move to a town house there are several for sale. You could park your toys in our yard. What calling in the ward do you want?

Unknown said...
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